Good Bacteria

by Lori

How would you suggest ramping up the good bacteria? Goat milk or greek yogurt?

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May 11, 2024
Human grade Probiotic
by: Anonymous

There are lots of probiotics in capsule form at my local health food shop. Am I looking for any specific ingredients? Many thanks.

Jan 10, 2024
Ramping Up Good Bacteria for Your Dog
by: Sandra

Hi Lori,

I wouldn't suggest goat milk or greek yoghurt for ramping up good gut bacteria. I would assume both are pasteurized, not to mention milk sugars involved.

I would recommend choosing a high quality human grade probiotic in capsule form, given to your dog on an empty stomach for maximum benefit.

You could give your dog a capsule once a day for a couple of weeks then taper off to a few times a week thereafter.

There is way more benefit in one capsule than your dog could ever derive from any milk or pasteurized yoghurt product.


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