Affiliate Disclosure Statement

This website, may use affiliate programs for monetization purposes. This means when you click on links to the various sites featured on the pages of this website and then, go on to make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to

Some links do not have affiliate programs, and so these links are simply there to provide value to you. The main point is, I do my very best to make recommendations for products and services that I feel are good, and represent value for the money.

All affiliate links are related and useful in relation to the topic of this website. My online reputation means everything to me. Therefore I take my responsibility as an affiliate very seriously.

Third Part and Sponsor Ads

Text and image ads may appear throughout this website and a few of it's web pages from time to time. These are third party (Google AdSense ) sponsor ads. Products and services advertised in these ads have not and do not have my personal endorsement. Clicking on these ads is your personal responsibility, since these companies are not affiliated with in any way.

Questions or Problems

If you have questions about, or problems with, any of the affiliations on this website, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

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