Captain Pixel aka Munchkin

by Deborah
(Dannevirke, New Zealand)

I was chosen by a kitten when we visited the SPCA to help another person select a pet.

She climbed into my lap, up my jumper and snuggled and nuzzled my neck & face. I loved her instantly and she chose me.

She was playful, awfully affectionate and didn't mind leaping on me from the bed head.

Cute at 2 months, tantamount to CPR at 11 months. She was going to be a big cat. She played with our 3 other cats, and occasionally smooched my husband to make him feel guilty for saying I couldn't have her.

She died 5 weeks ago, and I'm still crying. I miss her so much. She was 11 months old, hit by a car, died instantly.

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Oct 23, 2023
Oh Munchkin, You left Us Too Early!
by: Sandra

Thank you for sharing your love story. Truly, Munchkin sounds like the best kitty ever.

Love at first sight and love forever. Munchkin's time here with you was short, but she was well loved.

Remember her with loving fondness, and maybe when the time is right, another beautiful kitty will choose you to love. Munchkin has more lives, so wait...she may appear to you again in the form of another sweet kitty. LOL!

Bless you for loving her.


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