Worried about getting down the yeasty beast probiotics

by Leanne Hilbert
(Turner Oregon)

Hello, I ordered the yeasty beast protocol kit, itโ€™s here but now there is a hold up ๐Ÿ˜ช

I have been feeding a much different diet that includes lightly cooked ground turkey, with pressed garlic, sardines in water, chopped herbs including oregano, parsley & rosemary. I add good olive oil Also chopped vegetable either asparagus or organic broccoli with squished organic blueberries a bit of quinoa & ground organic pumpkin seeds I add a vimergy spirulina capsule, Quercitin, some vimergy liquid drops of Zinc & Cats Claw, also a bit of Vimergy Propolis Pure & have been topping it all off with GOATS KEIFER FROM TRADER JOES. I LOOKED AT THE BOTTLE OF KEIFER AND NOTICED TWO WORDS I DID NOT LIKE: Tapioca Starch ๐Ÿ˜ฐ! I am wondering if THAT is why sheโ€™s not showing much improvement now the yeast is making her SCRATCH HER EYES BLOODY.

Also there are other dogs that have pooped out in the yard that have been on a kibble with awful ingredients. So, can you please tell me what I can use for mixing the powder?

Could I use sardine water?
Do I need to find a better milk?
I know I can use bone broth but is it ok to warm it in a microwave?
Please can you help?

Also I am going to order gut soothe once I begin the process.

Thank you for your time. Your advice is greatly appreciated. I am new to most of this holistic stuff.

As for my fur babies eyes, feet & body I am using a povidone iodine solution to soak the 4 paws when she comes in from outside & rubbing virgin pressed coconut oil on sore spots or I put aloe gel mixed with young living lavender. Itโ€™s getting bad I may need to take her in to somebody as I worry about septic infection but I think I am doing ok.

Please let me know any ideas I need to start soon!!!
Thank you so very kindly for your time! ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜žโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน

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Oct 23, 2023
Yeasty Dog
by: Sandra

Hello Leanne,

First, I need to tell you that I don't use or sell the Yeasty Beast Protocol. So you're on your own with that. You might have to call their customer service for advice regarding their products.

As far as diet and other supplements is concerned, all seems ok to me. It may not be how I would do it, but certainly nothing there to hurt her.

I don't know why they would add tapioca starch to keifer? A thickener, I guess. Not helpful though.

The thing that's really necessary when dealing with a yeast problem is reducing, or even better, eliminating carbohydrate foods from the diet. That would include some vegetables and most fruit. These foods, although they supply nutrients, also supply sugars, which feed the yeast microorganism. So again. Not helpful.

For mixing the powder, you can use any liquid and yes you can gently heat the bone broth in the microwave.

I think you're mostly on the right track. Try to refine your program to low carb foods and very targeted supplements.

Hope that helps,

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